Snorkeling in the Similan & Surin islands
Snorkelling in the Similan & Surin islands is a question that is asked by many customers. There are so many Similan islands to choose from. Islands 8 or 4 are the most popular. There is also Ko Bon – great if you get to see mantas but you can not walk on the island. Thats a big minus for snorkelers. who wish to walk on the beach first then want to wade into the water themselves. So they can choose their own depth. You also have Koh Tachai which is more beautiful as an island – white sandy beaches. Koh Tachai is similar to Similan Island 8 and 4 but Koh Tachai is more beautiful as a beach, plus there are loads fewer people on it. Remember Ko Tachai is still part of the Similan islands, Just further away.
Surins Islands

Snorkeling in the Similan & Surin islands
In my opinion Surin Island is the best and the most beautiful, plus the snorkeling is better. You have fewer people visiting here . Culturally it’s far better than the Similan Islands. Because to get to see the native people – The Moken People of the Surin Island. Who originated from Easter Island.
One thing i often ask customers. Do you get sea sick?. Because if you do. I would suggest going on a slow boat and not a speed boat. If it’s a minor sea-sickness then that’s ok. Nothing a sea sickness pill will the care o,f but if you feel sick being on a very large boat. Then i would suggest going to Koh Tachai on a slow boat. Unfortunately you can not reach the Surin Island by a slow boat.