Diving khao lak – Teenage Divers
Diving khao lak – Teenage Divers
Diving Khao lak with teenage divers! Most parents who are scuba divers are keen to get their children certified to join them on this fun activity. But if the parents are not divers (yet) it’s not such an obvious activity to do on their holiday. If for any reason you’re ending up having to talk to non-diving parents who are not sure that scuba diving Khao Lak or anywhere else or if you are yourself a parent in doubt. Here are 10 reason why diving is so beneficial to all but perhaps in particular to teenagers.
The minimum age for diving in Khao Lak is 10 years
- Responsibility. The minimum age for diving in Khao Lak or worldwide is 10 years. However, some instructors argue that with some children this is a bit too young. The level of matureness varies so much in that age that an individual decision between the instructor and the parents is the best way determine when is a good age for each child to start. However, as a teenager you still have the wonderful curiosity of a child but a much more sensible mind. Diving Khao Lak will teach your teenager to take responsibility for his or hers own safety. The instructor is going to go from taking all the responsibility during the pool session to gradually move it over on to the diver himself during the open water dives.
- Opens their eyes to danger. All though scuba diving in Khao Lak and in general is a very safe activity with very few accidents, we do read about and talk about the risks a lot. All kids are used to being told what not to do, but not very often do we tell them the consequences of if they do it anyway. It seems too harsh to tell a child a risk of following a stranger, but in scuba diving we need to openly talk about the risks so that we can do everything we can to prevent them. Therefore children and teenagers get this new way of looking at their own well-being and safety, which can be useful in everyday life.
Teenagers Divers Diving Khao Lak
- Consideration towards others. When diving in Khao Lak we normally dive in small groups but it’s not unusual that you will have 1 or 2 strangers in your group or course. All the safety aspects of the two previous points will also apply to your teenagers diving buddies. Suddenly the world is not just me, me, me but you must also think about the safety of others. You will do a buddy check before each dive to ensure your and your buddies equipment if ok for the dive. You practice to stay close together and communicate throughout the whole dive.
- Equipment maintenance. If you struggle getting your teenager to take better care of his or hers things, try giving her or him things that his or hers life depends on! When scuba diving Khao Lak we use new and recently serviced equipment which of course is included in the course. And we will teach your teenager how to responsibly take care of it and make it last for many dives. The instructor will not be “acting mom” and do the cleaning and packing for the student as its part of the course. This is teaching your children to be tidier and take better care.
- Discipline. Some of the exercises we do during the training can take quite a few tries before you get it right. And many ends up thinking that they “fail” when in fact the determination and devotion to learning to scuba dive keeps you going and try over and over again and this is the very essence of being safe underwater. To learn to handle slightly uncomfortable situations and find a solution to the problem is the best experience you can have. Therefor the instructor will rarely “give up” on a student. Especially since we know the rewards coming of diving in Khao Lak!
- Language. If you are not from an English
diving Similan islands
spoken country and it is your second language your teenager should be far along in their English school studies to be able to do the course in English. If you don’t speak any English we can provide instructors that speaks other languages too so that you don’t miss out on diving in Khao Lak. But we also do believe that it is a good idea to learn to dive in English as it is the most spoken language worldwide. And simply to be able to talk to everybody onboard about your experience diving in Khao Lak you probably want to learn the right terms and words in English. This could ever give you some credit in the school back in your country.
- Environment and the fragile reefs. Whilst diving in Khao Lak and in particular whilst learning to dive in Khao Lak. To be environmentally aware is something that we stress. Diving in Khao Lak mostly takes place within the national parks of Similan islands or Suring islands and is protected sites. This means that your teenager will be taught some basic about the eco system here and how to behave so not to disturb it. We will also bring awareness to the problem with marine debris and then mostly plastic waste.
- Decision on personal choices. As a teenager you start to slowly find out who you are, what you like, what you think is wrong etc. Diving in Khao Lak you will meet divemasters and instructors with great knowledge of the backside of tourism (elephant rides for example) and the cultural difference between you and in this case the Thai people. These sorts of topics are typical things that we talk about between dives. The kids are our future and to teach teenagers to accept other cultures and to be responsible tourist most definitely will help countries like Thailand to improve.
- Independence. If you are already a certified diver or not joining your teenager on their course and diving in Khao Lak for whatever reason, this for sure will teach your kids to be a little more independent. They have to get by on a boat full of strangers without mommy or daddy. Especially during the Open Water course where you spend at least two days onboard can we as instructors see the confidence building up in our younger divers during the two days.
- Parents time off! Perhaps one of the strongest arguments to why you should send your kids on a diving in Khao Lak course during your holiday, it gives you the time to enjoy each other’s company perhaps with a cocktail by the resort pool without having to constantly entertain your teenagers. So lean back in your sun chair, soak in all that sun and feel the buzz from the mojito as we look after your kids, making them teenage divers, pirate style!