Turtles you will see - Similan Islands

Diving Course Similan Islands

Turtles you will see – Similan Islands

There has been a lot of research on the sea turtles’ abilities to return to their nesting grounds. They may migrate hundreds or even thousands of miles. In the water, their path is greatly affected by powerful currents. Despite their limited vision, and lack of landmarks in the open water. Turtles that you will see in the Similan Islands are able to retrace their migratory paths. One explanation is that sea turtles use the earth’s magnetic fields to navigate.

Did you Know?

  • Sea Turtles are ancient creatures. Some people say they are over 110 million years old, They were here before the dinosaurs roamed the planet
  • Adult female will return to the same beach where they were born to lay their eggs
  • Turtles can be found in oceans all over the world, except the Arctic Ocean

Hawks Bill

The beak-like mouth gives the Hawks bill turtle its name.  Unfortunately for the hawks bill, their shell is so beautiful that this turtle is often hunted for it.
Hawks bill main food source is sponges, found on and around coral reefs.


Green Sea Turtle

Turtles you will see - Similan Islands, green turtle

Turtles you will see – Similan Islands, green turtle

The adult green turtles are unique among sea turtles in that they are herbivorous ,feeding primarily on seagrass and algae
The green sea turtle’s legs are shaped like flippers. Their heads are lizard-like, with a hooked beak and toothless jaw. Adult green sea turtles may grow up to
99cm and can weigh190kg



What distinguishes the Leatherback from all other turtles by the semi-flexible “leathery” skin on its outer shell. Leatherback are the largest of all sea turtles. The only sea turtle with a leathery soft shell, and unfortunately are the specie that is most in danger of extinction.
Leatherback primarily eat jellyfish, They are attracted to plastic bags which resemble jelly fish when floating in the water.